SIMBYAHERO is a photography blog that will give focus and highlight to the beautiful churches in the Philippines and around the world.
I am Robert Papalid, a web developer who got interested in church photography after seeing the beautiful church structures and architecture dedicated to our faith, and our devotion to Jesus Christ and the saints.
This blog will also be a record of my personal and family travels where I/we always try to visit the local church to attend mass and say our prayers. By capturing great photos of churches, I hope that this website will become a digital time capsule that future generations can visit to take a peek of churches from years back.
The idea for SIMBYAHERO came about the time of the 2013 Bohol earthquake which also affected Cebu and nearby islands. During the calamity, prominent and historical churches were severely damaged, some of which were reduced to rubble. Then another earthquake hit the Philippines in 2022, this time damaging the churches of Luzon. Capturing photos is my way of preserving the beauty and grandeur of our churches – that bricks and rocks may be shattered, but our faith is eternal.
In His Service,
Robert Papalid